Organizational Chart of GIE Nefzawa

Explanation of the Organizational Chart
Board of Directors:
President (Mondher Brahim):
Leads the Board of Directors and oversees the major strategic directions of the GIE.
Vice-President (Zouhiara Djbli):
Assists the president and replaces them in their absence.
Treasurer (Zaki Abdelaziz):
Manages the finances and ensures proper fund management for the GIE.
Members (Mabrouka Choriba and Mabrouka Jablla):
Contribute to decision-making and oversee the GIE’s activities.
Strategy and Development Manager (Blidaoui Fahmi):
Responsible for defining growth strategies, developing projects, and seeking partnerships to ensure the GIE's sustainability.
Sustainability Director (Yamna Ratibe):
Responsible for the economic sustainability and long-term strategic planning of the GIE.
IT Director (Majdi Draouil):
In charge of managing information technologies and implementing digital solutions within the GIE.
Production Director (Ahmed Amri):
Manages the production of media content and coordinates creative teams.
Logistics Director (Salah Khalfal):
Manages logistical aspects, including material resources and procurement for the GIE’s activities.